The Mass Save Residential New Construction Program provides incentives for energy-efficient new construction ranging from $275 – $7,000 per unit. Incentives are available for all types of residential construction projects including single family homes as well as low rise and high rise multi-family buildings.
The program offers two options for participation, an easy to follow prescriptive path for new construction of all building types as well as a performance path for single family or multi-family low rise new construction projects. No matter what path you choose, we will guide you through your project and make sure you understand and meet all the program requirements.
In addition to per unit incentives offered through the Program, participants are eligible for additional rebates for the installation of high efficiency heating and water heating, a supplement to assist with the cost of working with a HERS rater, as well as an additional incentive if your project is certified as ENERGY STAR®.
Learn more about the Mass Save Residential New Construction program.