A green building and energy efficiency consulting, construction and property management firm


The following news articles feature Sustainable Comfort, Inc. We have a robust press release and editorial program that allows us to co-market success with our clients.

SCI Expands to Vinson Street

An example of the SCI completed product with new porches on neighboring Stanton Street / photo by Brian Burke

An example of the SCI completed product with new porches on neighboring Stanton Street / photo by Brian Burke

Worcester, MA – Sustainable Comfort, Inc. (SCI) announced that its Stanton Loop Neighborhood Revitalization Project in the Bell Hill area of Worcester will expand onto Vinson Street, that runs perpendicular to Stanton Street and is part of the community “loop” that SCI is working to achieve.

The Stanton Loop Revitalization Project started in 2016 as a collaboration between SCI, Civico Development, and WalkerThomas, with SCI acting as the general contractor.

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