A green building and energy efficiency consulting, construction and property management firm


The following news articles feature Sustainable Comfort, Inc. We have a robust press release and editorial program that allows us to co-market success with our clients.

The Ebenezer Square Case Study


LEED for Homes certification offers tangible expression of better homes.

A barren 11-acre patch of asphalt was all that remained of a once-booming commercial plaza; abandoned for years, this West Seneca, N.Y., property was an eyesore in the community. But thanks to the efforts of a local politician and a nonprofit agency dedicated to improving the quality of life for people with disabilities, this space has been transformed into Ebenezer Square Apartments, a comfortable, safe, energy-efficient housing complex.

One of Sustainable Comfort’s most frequent clients, DePaul, a Rochester, N.Y.–based nonprofit, embraces the philosophy that the best neighbors derive from community-based decision-making. Before launching a housing project, the organization carefully considers where to locate the new building, how it will be oriented and constructed, and the best way to leverage the greater community to provide the best living situation for residents.

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