A green building and energy efficiency consulting, construction and property management firm


The following news articles feature Sustainable Comfort, Inc. We have a robust press release and editorial program that allows us to co-market success with our clients.

Freedom Commons Nominated for LEED Homes Awards Project of the Year


USGBC's annual LEED Homes Awards recognize some of the most innovative and transformative LEED-certified residential projects and the teams that made them happen all around the world.

For the second year in a row, the USGBC LEED Homes Awards has opened up the voting for the Project of the Year to the public. Here is your chance to support the project that you feel best represents excellence in green building. Our judges used these elements when making their decisions on all the awards categories—please feel free to use the same criteria when making yours: impact/equality, design, sustainability, and health and wellness.

Get familiar with each of this year's finalists by reviewing the projects below, and then cast your vote. The voting window is between June 22 and 29, and all the LEED Homes Awards winners, including Project of the Year, will be announced In mid-July.

Freedom Commons | Syracuse, New York

Mayor Ben Walsh said, “Freedom Commons helps address a growing need in Syracuse for quality and affordable housing, coupled with resources to help formerly incarcerated residents reintegrate into the community. This project is a shining example of the burgeoning revitalization of the South Side (Syracuse) and will serve as a beacon of hope to those seeking a second chance.” Freedom Commons consists of 54 total apartments, with 43 affordable units designated for individuals or families with incomes at or below 50% of the area median income.

See the full list of nominees or click here to vote for Freedom Commons

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